Are you a small business owner or work for a corporation? Do you need a contract drafted or reviewed to ensure your legal rights are protected? Are you looking to start a business? We can help. We provide legal assistance to small businesses, corporations, and others. Below are some of the documents and services we offer.

Business Documents

Employment Agreements

We provide employment agreements that are essential to a small business.

Workplace Policies and Procedures

Small businesses typically have essential policies and procedures they would like their employees to follow. We can help put this into action by providing you with a document for all employees to review and follow.


There are various types of contracts used frequently in the workplace. We can assist with drafting these for your convenience and peace of mind.

Business Formations

Corporation - C Corp.

We can provide documents for the incorporation and formation of your C Corporation, including bylaws.

Corporation - S Corp.

We can provide documents for the incorporation and formation of your S Corporation, including bylaws.


We can provide documents for the incorporation and formation of your LLC, including an operating agreement.

Nonprofit organization

We can provide documents for the incorporation and formation of your nonprofit organization, including articles of incorporation and bylaws.

Business Consulting

This service is a subscription for business consulting, including management of business registrations and annual reports, and updates of business documents and agreements.

One Time Business Registration

We can complete your one-time business registration. This does not include bylaws or an operating agreement (we can provide those as well upon request).


If your business needs bylaws, we can draft and provide these for you.

Operating Agreement

If your business needs an operating agreement, we can draft and provide this for you.

Articles of Incorporation

If your organization needs articles of incorporation, we can draft and provide this for you.

Lease AgreementS

We can draft or revise any lease agreement you may need to execute.

Business Management/Litigation

We assist businesses in ensuring their legal affairs are in order. Our firm can advise you if you are facing legal issues or a threat of litigation, or have had a lawsuit filed against you. We also work in litigation on cases that need to be filed if your rights have been violated.

FBA Sellers

We help FBA sellers who have had their accounts deactivated or funds withheld. See our FBA Sellers page for more details on how we can help.