Who We Are


Brittany S. Bitar, Esquire


Brittany S. Bitar is an attorney licensed to practice law in Washington state and California. She focuses on business, intellectual property, and real estate law, but also takes cases in various other areas. Brittany also holds her real estate brokers license in Washington state.

In addition to having her own law firm, Brittany works as general counsel for a corporation in Seattle. She has litigated copyright infringement, contract, and real estate related cases, and worked on real estate, HOA, land use, and other contractual, business, and property related non-litigation matters. In addition to taking individual client matters, she also does contract work for other firms including in family law cases.

Brittany has interned with Judge Morris at Dauphin County Courthouse and the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, Civil Litigation Section during law school. She additionally holds a certificate in Dispute Resolution.

Brittany has worked with firms that practice in estate planning, business law, employment law, contract law, family law, torts, personal injury, intellectual property, trademark law, copyright law, civil rights, real estate law, copyright law, nonprofit organization law, landlord tenant law, RICO and fraud, breach of contract, civil racketeering, corporate law, commercial torts, and other areas. She has also done contract work in business and trademark law.

In 2015, Brittany founded and managed a charitable nonprofit organization, Diëresis, which focused primarily on assisting the homeless in the greater Seattle area. She has also volunteered with the American Red Cross as a lead, Bread of Life Mission, Hopelink, and other nonprofit organizations. 

In her spare time, Brittany enjoys day hikes, resin painting, playing the acoustic guitar and piano, and playing with her dogs.